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1) Beibei Li, Jianfu Jiang , Xiucai Fan, Ying Zhang, Haisheng Sun, Guohai Zhang, Chonghuai Liu. Molecular characterization of Chinese grape landraces (Vitis L.) using microsatellite DNA markers. HortScience, 2017, 52(4):1-8

2) Jianfu Jiang, Xinna Liu, Chonghuai Liu, Guotian Liu, Shaohua Li, Lijun Wang. Integrating Omics and Alternative Splicing Reveals Insights into Grape Response to High Temperature. Plant Physiology, 2017, 173(2): 1502–1518

3) Ying Zhang , Li Feng , Xiucai Fan , Jianfu Jiang , Xian-bo Zheng , Haisheng Sun , Chonghuai Liu. Genome-wide assessment of population structure, linkage disequilibrium and resistant QTLs in Chinese wild grapevine. Scientia Horticulturae, 2017,(215:59-64

4) Yaner Ma, Jian Jiao, Xiucai Fan, Haisheng Sun , Ying Zhang, Jianfu Jiang, Chonghuai Liu. Endophytic bacterium pseudomonas fluorescens RG11 may transform tryptophan to melatonin and promote endogenous melatonin levels in the roots of four grape cultivars. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2017,7:-15

5) Heng Zhang, Xiucai Fan, Ying Zhang, Jianfu Jiang, Chonghuai Liu. Identification of favorable SNP alleles and candidate genes for seedlessness in Vitis vinifera L. using genome-wide association mapping. Euphytica, 2017,(213):136 DOI 10.1007/s10681-017-1919- z

6) Jian Jiao, Chonghuai Liu, XIucai Fan, Ying Zhang, Haisheng Sun, Jianfu Jiang, Min Li. Genotype and SNP analysis of mybA transcription factor in Chinese wild grapes and interspecific hybrids. Acta Horticulturae, 2017,1157: 289-300

7) Shengyang Niu, Fengge Hao, Haizhen Mo, Jianfu Jiang, Hua Wang, Chonghuai Liu, Xiucai Fan and Ying Zhang. Phenol profiles and antioxidant properties of white skinned grapes and their coloured genotypes during growth. BIOTECHNOLOGY & BIOTECHNOLOGICAL EQUIPMENT, 2016, , 13102818.2016.1258329

8) Shengyang Niu, Fengge Hao, Haizhen Mo, Jianfu Jiang, Chonghuai Liu, Hua Wang. Examination of molecular mechanism for the color mutation in Chinese wild grapevine (Vitis davidii). Acta Physiol Plant, 2017,39:171

11) Haikun Xie, Jian Jiao, Xiucai Fan, Ying Zhang, Jianfu Jiang, Haisheng Sun, Chonghuai Liu. The complete chloroplast genome sequence of Chinese wild grape Vitis amurensis (Vitaceae: Vitis L.). Conservation Genet Resour (2016). doi:10.1007/ s12686-016-0615-y

12)Lei Sun; Xiucai Fan; Ying Zhang; Jianfu Jiang; Haisheng Sun; Chonghuai Liu. Transcriptome Analysis of Genes Involved in Anthocyanins Biosynthesis and Transport in Berries of Black and White Spine Grapes (Vitis davidii). Hereditas, (2016) 153:17. DOI:10.1186/s41065-016-0021-1

13) Jian Jiao, Yaner Ma, Sha Chen, Chonghuai Liu, Yuyang Song, Yi Qing, Yanlin Liu. Melatonin-producing endophytic bacteria from grapevine roots promote the abiotic stress-induced production of endogenous melatonin in their hosts. Frontiers in Plant Science, 7:1387.doi:10.3389/fpls.2016.013870

14) Jianfu Jiang, Shelagh Kell, Xiucai Fan, Ying Zhang, Wei Wei, Dingming Kang, Nigel Maxted, Brian Ford-Lloyd, Chonghuai Liu. The wild relatives of grape in China: diversity, conservation gaps and impact of climate change. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 2015, 210: 50-58

14) Xiu-Cai Fan, Min Li, Ying Zhang, Jian-Fu Jiang, Hai-Sheng Sun, Chong-Huai Liu. ‘Zhengmei’: A new early-ripening table grape. Vitis, 2015, 54(1): 49-50

15) Jiao Jian, Fu Xiaowei, Liu Chonghuai, Fan Xiucai, Zhang Ying, Jiang Jianfu. Study of the relationship between the cultivars of Vitis vinifera and the white-fruited and hermaphrodite Chinese wild grapes. Molecular Breeding, 2014, 34: 1401-1411

16) Fan X. C., Chu J. Q., Liu C.H., Sun X., Fang J.G..Identification of grapevine rootstock cultivars using expressed sequence tag-simple sequence repeats. Genetics and Molecular Research,2014,13(3):7649-7657

17) Fan Xiucai, Jiang Jianfu, Zhang Ying, Sun Haisheng, Jiao Jian, Liu Chonghuai. Genetic diversity assessment of Vitis ficifolia Bge. populations from Henan province of China by SRAP markers. Biotechnology & Biotechnological Equipment, 2014, DOI: 10.1080/13102818.2014.984414

18) Ying Zhang and Jian can Feng. Identification and Characterization of the Grape WRKY Family. BioMed Research International, Volume 2014, Article ID 787680, 14 pages. //dx.doi.org/10.1155/2014/787680

19) Wang Xicheng, Kayesh Emrul,Han Jian, Liu Chonghuai, Wang Chen, Song Changnian, Ge Anjing,Fang Jinggui. Microarray analysis of differentially expressed genes engaged in fruit development between table and wine grape. Molecular Biology Reports,2014, 41(7): 4397-4412

20) 谢海坤,焦健,樊秀彩,张颖,姜建福,孙海生,刘崇怀基于高通量测序组装赤霞珠叶绿体基因组及其特征分析中国农业科学, 2017,50(9): 1655-1665

22) 严静,江雨,樊秀彩,姜建福,张颖,孙海生,刘崇怀中国11种野生葡萄果皮中黄烷-3-醇类物质的组成及含量中国农业科学, 2017,50(5):890-905

23) 牛生洋,姜建福,樊秀彩,张颖,刘崇怀,王华葡萄小白玫瑰及其突变品种小红玫瑰果皮颜色变异机理分析园艺学报, 2017,44(2): 245-254

24) 高晓铭刘崇怀张国海张颖姜建福孙海生樊秀彩葡萄抗炭疽病QTL的初步定位分析园艺学报, 2016, 43(12):2442-2450.

25) 王旭旭,樊秀彩,李傲,张超博,房经贵,刘崇怀,上官凌飞葡萄品种资源裂果性状调查与分析.园艺学报,201643 (11):2099-2108.

24) 姜建福,马寅峰,樊秀彩,张颖,孙海生,王利军,刘崇怀. 196份葡萄属(Vitis L.)种质资源耐热性评价植物遗传资源学报,2017,18(1):70-79

孟聚星,姜建福,张国海,孙海生,樊秀彩,张颖,吴久赟,刘崇怀我国育成的葡萄新品种系谱分析果树学报, 2017,34(4):393-409

25) 孙磊,焦健,樊秀彩,姜建福,张颖,刘崇怀葡萄初级核心种质资源MybA基因型分析[J]. 植物遗传资源学报,2016,02:356-364.

27) 牛生洋,莫海珍,姜建福,李华,王华,樊秀彩,张颖,刘崇怀中国野生刺葡萄(Vitis davidii Foex)及其单品种葡萄酒中花旗松素含量分析[J]. 食品科学,2016,18:107-112.






3)实用新型专利一种制作葡萄水泥柱的模具(专利号:ZL2015 2 0344432.4),发明人:孙海生、李民、刘崇怀、樊秀彩、姜建福。




1)中华人民共和国农业行业标准植物新品种特异性、一致性和稳定性测试指南  葡萄. NY/T2563-2014

2)中华人民共和国农业行业标准葡萄种质资源描述符. NY/T 2932-2016


1) 段长青主编,穆维松、刘崇怀、王忠跃、刘凤之副主编中国现代农业产业可持续发展战略研究.  2017, 中国农业出版社

2) 蒯传化,刘崇怀主编当代葡萄. 2016,中原农民出版社

3) 刘崇怀参加,翟衡主编.中国果树科学与实践. 2015,陕西科学技术出版社

4) JLu, C. Liu. Grape Breeding in China//Andrew Reynolds. Grapevine Breeding Programs for the Wine Industry.2015,Elsevier 

5) 刘崇怀,马小河,武岗主编,樊秀彩,姜建福,李民,孙海生,田莉莉,张颖等参加编写.中国葡萄品种,北京:中国农业出版社,2014ISBN 978-7-109-19219-5

6) 刘崇怀主编高登涛,田鹏,李民,孙海生,樊秀彩,张颖等参加编写河南省农村普通初级中学绿色证书教育读本《林果栽培新技术》(八年级春季用书).郑州:中原农民出版社,2014ISBN 978-7-80739-262-0

7) .房经贵,刘崇怀主编,樊秀彩等副主编.葡萄分子生物学.北京:科学出版社,2014ISBN 978-7-3-039538-2

8) 房经贵,刘崇怀主编,樊秀彩等副主编.葡萄遗传育种与基因组学.南京:江苏凤凰科学技术出版社,2014ISBN 978-7-5435

9) 魏伟主编,姜建福参加编写.那些春花秋叶的事——帮你认识植物.北京:中国广播电视出版社, 2014ISBN 878-7-5043-7155-3